Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Ryan!! So I made him take this picture with the goodies I got for him. On the left is the Iron Gym.....he has been wanting it for quite some time now. He'll probably look like Rocky next time you see him;) On the right is my medal of honor I made him with my kids at school, it says World's Greatest Husband in the middle (and it is very true!!).

So our ward has a tradition of making mini pies for all of the men on father's day. Here is Ryan licking the remains of his chocolate raspberry pie, it was that good!
This week we got the experience of a lifetime. Our neighbor went into labor 3 weeks early and we were her back up plan just in case. So we picked up little Andrew from the babysitter last Wednesday and got to keep him until the next day. Ryan got to be the daddy while I went to school and got to practice changing poopy diapers too! Ask him about it later;) Other than staying up with him all night, I would say we are ready for the challenge!

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