Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 months old!

So....I feel like these past couple of weeks Wesley has just grown up on me! He is starting to look more like a little boy and definitely act like one. I am afraid for when he actually starts crawling....I think I am going to be getting some good excersize:) Here is what the little munchkin has been up to lately.

Wesley gets up on his hands an knees and rocks back and forth. It's pretty funny to watch, it looks like he is going to take off crawling but he usually just face plants and then kicks around like a fish out of water.
Helping daddy work....we can't do this too often or daddy wouldn't get anything done:)
His mischievous smile

This is his missionary hair do. We can now rest knowing Wesley is a normal child...we introduced him to spaghetti and he loved it!
Wesley can now stand on his own for 2 whole minutes! Way to go Wesley! (of course he is still being supported by the couch...but he's getting there)
Every time I put Wesley on the changing table to change his diaper it's like this crazy switch in him turns on. It's pretty much impossible to hold him down. This is about 2 seconds after I had taken his diaper off. Crazy kid!
Enjoying our walks around town
My favorite! Laundry basket rides around the house:)

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