This post is a little late but I am trying to catch up! When my parents were here for Wesley's birthday we decided to head down to the Riverwoods and check out the lights. There were some very beautiful trees!

As you can see above Wesley is like "alright, let's get this over with!"......he could care less about Santa:) I guess it's better than being totally freaked out!

First time playing in the snow!

I had to post this. Wesley is so infatuated with teeth and gums. We think he is going to take over the family dental practice....guess Brent won't be able to retire for a while!

On our way to an ugly sweater party for Ryan's work. Although I think Wesley looks adorable in his sweater, he is making a pretty goofy face.

From Utah snow to California sun!

Christmas morning going through his stocking.

What have we here?!

That is the first time we have given Wesley any kind of sugar like that. He was devouring that sucker. We of course only let hime suck on it for a few minutes, it was Christmas morning.....he HAD to have some sugar!

His activity cube from the grandparents!

After church on Christmas day

Friends! We had a friend get together while we were in California and I finally got to meet little Lila, isn't she just a doll? Even cuter in person if you can imagine that! It was so fun catching up with everyone!

Wesley LOVED "skiddy" the kitty. As you can see she is hiding behind him, smart move cat!

This is how we rang in the new year! A couple of frozen pizzas and some redbox movies. Wesley came down with a fever of 103 that afternoon so we decided it was best to lay low and relax. It ended up being a lot of fun!